Internationale Tagung: Neo-Institutionalismus in Wien 26. bis 27. März 2015 in Wien
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In its 11th edition, the annual workshop of the new institutionalism network returns to Vienna where it was first held in 2005. Hosted at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, the workshop seeks to bring together kindred spirits from different disciplines, countries, and academic systems who share an interest in pushing forward theoretical and/or empirical frontiers of institutional research.
The workshop does not have a specific focus. Further, it is not about presenting polished papers that have already been submitted to major international journals. It is an open forum, a space for meeting and conversation, and for coining bold new research ideas.
The participants are therefore expected to be present throughout the workshop and actively contribute to the discussions. We welcome work that brings forward novel topics, employs innovative methodology, and/or advances fresh perspectives of inquiry; approaches that drift away from present mainstream themes will enhance and develop our understanding of institutions and institutional phenomena. We are especially keen to hear voices from literature that does not belong to the standard reference list of institutional theory, and/or to learn about scholarly endeavors that draw on work not available in English. Also, in line with the new institutionalism network's spirit, the workshop encourages collaboration, particularly among scholars drawing on or bridging different disciplines. We look forward to receiving submissions reporting well-advanced research as well as work in progress by experienced academics, young scholars, and doctoral students alike, and to many enjoyable and fruitful discussions during the workshop.